SASP Erwin Schrödinger Gold Medal for Karl-Heinz Ernst

The “SASP Award for Outstanding Scientific Achievements” in the form of the Erwin Schrödinger Gold Medal designed by Zdenek Herman, was initiated in 1992. The 2024 SASP award has been granted during the XXIV Symposium on Atomic, Cluster and Surface Physics in Andalo, Italy to Professor Ernst "for his pioneering studies and seminal contributions to fundamental and applied aspects of surface science, stereochemistry, chirality and nanomaterials”.

40 Years of Surface Science and Nanotechnology

October 15 - 20 2023

Congresso Stefano Franscini (CSF), Ascona, Switzerland


Surfaces are omnipresent and surface-related processes govern many aspects in our life. Chemical syntheses of basic products are performed on surfaces (heterogeneous catalysis) and contribute more than 30% of the world gross product. Friction, corrosion, biofouling, crystallization, atmosphere chemistry and semiconductor industry are other examples that involve surface processes. Consequently, the field of surface science has become an interdisciplinary research field.
40 years ago, the most powerful tool of surface science was invented at IBM Rüschlikon in Switzerland: the scanning tunneling microscope (STM). Moreover, the STM is considered as the “founding method of nanotechnology”. Since then, surface science and nanotechnology has evolved into many different directions, ranging from physics to medical applications. 
The 40 years of surface science and nanotechnology (40Nano) conference plans to address these new developments but will also highlight applications in other branches of surface science. By including speakers from fields such as bionanotechnology, scanning probe technology, surface chemistry, quantum technology (experiment and theory), heterogeneous catalysis and molecular surface dynamics, the 40Nano conference will have a highly interdisciplinary character.


Local organizing committee

Karl-Heinz Ernst (chair), Empa & University of Zurich, CH
Christine Tran, Empa, CH


